信誉最好的网投十大平台的 长途步行 接受了32美元的手术.9 million restoration and renovation that began in Summer 2007 and was completed in Fall 2008.

925英尺长的步行道由 Seabury大厅贾维斯大厅 (1878年)和 在平时塔 (1883),这是最古老的建筑 顶峰街校园.

In 2005, 在日常维修期间, 工人们发现了明显的衰老迹象, 尤其是排列在屋顶上的88个天窗. Some of the fixtures and roofs dated back to 1875 and had never been replaced. It quickly became apparent that it was necessary to undertake a massive restoration of the 925-foot-long complex.

81号的建筑师,389-square-foot project were Smith Edwards of Hartford [now QA+M Architecture] and the renovations were undertaken by Consigli Construction Company. The carefully planned and executed project was made easier thanks to the original building plans that had been located several years prior in Trinity’s archives by College Archivist Peter Knapp, 1965届毕业生.

该项目包括修复石砌结构, 更换钢窗, 含铅玻璃, 石板屋顶和铜灯饰, 铜水槽系统和石头装饰, 重建原有的入口和套房布局, 翻新室内以提供符合规范的出口通道和消防楼梯, 新浴室设施, 恢复完成, 还有新的家具. 修复工作还升级了加热和冷却系统, 布线和网络, 电信, 还有火警和洒水装置. 项目的, Director of Facilities Sally Katz said: “As a recognizable symbol of 信誉最好的网投十大平台, 长步道应该以一种与其地位相称的方式得到修复. We are the curators of a living museum and we have a responsibility to preserve it for future generations.”

Some students were annoyed by the College’s quick decision to begin the renovation. In particular, students living in 贾维斯大厅 were frustrated by the lack of entry and exit ways. 住在宿舍的学生也对彩票系统提出了质疑, 质疑学院的翻新是否会计入他们的数据. 停车是另一个问题,该项目失去了50个教职岗位.

为了庆祝翻新和修复工程的完成, 一个展览 学院档案保管员彼得·纳普的作品在 Watkinson图书馆 2008年9月至2009年1月.

展览文本由Peter Knapp提供

August 2008 marks the completion of a 14-month project to restore Trinity’s famed 长途步行 buildings, considered the finest examples in America of High Victorian Collegiate Gothic architecture. 该项目包括稳定和加固约88个石头天窗, 修复或更换1,200年的窗户, 安装一个全新的屋顶,由大约123个,000块石板屋顶瓦, 并对室内空间进行全面改造. 包括西伯里和贾维斯大厅(1878年)和诺瑟姆塔(1883年), the 长途步行 buildings are the oldest structures on the Trinity campus and the hallmark of the College’s presence on Rocky Ridge. 庆祝长距离步行项目的完成, the exhibition in the Watkinson图书馆 draws from the College Archives and consists of a selection of architectural drawings and other original material related to the buildings. Founded in 1823 as Washington College and designated 信誉最好的网投十大平台 in 1845 to prevent confusion with four other institutions of higher education bearing the name “Washington,” the College was originally located on the site of the present State Capitol. 信誉最好的网投十大平台从成立之初规模就不大, 而是在内战结束后, 牧师. 艾布纳·杰克逊(1811-1874), 学院的新, 前瞻性总裁, 相信一个更大的校园是适应未来发展的必要条件. The City of Hartford opportunely offered to purchase Trinity’s campus as the site for a state capitol building.

For some time Hartford and New Haven had been vying to become the permanent capital of the State, 立法机关的会议在两个城市之间轮流举行. 1872年,哈特福德大学出资60万美元建校. 尽管有一些校友反对, Jackson convinced Trinity’s Board of Trustees to accept the offer and to relocate the College to a spacious setting elsewhere in the Hartford area. 1872年夏天, Jackson travelled to England seeking an architect to design buildings that would be distinctively collegiate and in keeping with his vision of Trinity. 到达伦敦后不久, 杰克逊拜访了威廉·伯吉斯(1827-1881), one of England’s most distinguished architects and a practitioner of the High Victorian Gothic style. 虽然伯吉斯的做法是广泛的, his principal client in the 1870s was the Marquess of Bute for whom he carried out restoration work on Cardiff Castle and Castell Coch, 都在威尔士. 在他和伯吉斯第一次见面之后, 杰克逊给了他设计信誉最好的网投十大平台新建筑的机会. The College thus became the only commission Burges undertook in the United States. 伯吉斯建议将学院的建筑布置成四边形, 基于大学英语实践. 杰克逊带着伯吉斯的初步草图回到哈特福德, and working with a Trustee committee examined several possibilities for a new campus. 1873年2月, he prepared a report on the committee’s behalf recommending the purchase of a tract of land at Rocky Ridge, 位于哈特福德商业中心南部. The Trustees accepted the proposal for what would later be known as the Summit Campus. 夏天,杰克逊再次与伯吉斯在伦敦商议. 10月, 受托人聘请了弗朗西斯·哈奇·金博尔(1845-1919), 住在哈特福德的美国建筑师, 监督施工. They also authorized him to work with Burges in London and become conversant with the design for Trinity. Burges’s proposals culminated in a series of buildings in four immense quadrangles arranged in a linear configuration. President Jackson died suddenly in April 1874, but the project moved forward. Kimball returned in October with the completed drawings and began working with Trinity’s new president, 牧师. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon (1823-1904), to adapt Burges’s plans to the Rocky Ridge site. From this evolved three structures that became known collectively as the 长途步行.

景观设计师Frederick Law Olmsted(1822-1903)的建议, 金博尔和品钦把长步道定位在山脊线上. 1875年7月破土动工, and construction of Seabury and 贾维斯大厅s was completed during the summer of 1878, 正好赶上秋季学期的开始. 尽管连接西伯里和贾维斯的塔的地基已经建成, 直到1881年,诺瑟姆的工作才开始, 为纪念其捐赠者而命名, 查尔斯·哈维·诺瑟姆, 哈特福德的商人, 慈善家, 和信誉最好的网投十大平台受托人. 建于1883年, 从那时起,诺瑟姆就被称为诺瑟姆塔, 四个方形塔楼的倒影形成了屋顶轮廓.

由Peter J. Knapp, 特别藏书馆员和学院档案管理员, the Watkinson exhibition portrays how the design of the 长途步行 evolved and how Burges and Kimball worked together in adapting the 1874 design to the site. A broad range of material related to the 长途步行 is maintained in the College Archives, including separate and extensive sets of architectural drawings by Burges and Kimball. 展览中展出了一些精选的绘画作品. 感谢安妮H. Knapp, 政治学教授, 哈特福德大学, for consulting on the material displayed and for reviewing the text of the exhibition catalog and caption cards. 还要感谢Darrin M. VonStein, architectural historian; Dr. 杰弗里·H. Kaimowitz, Head Librarian of the Watkinson图书馆; and Sally S. Dickinson, Special Collections Librarian, for their assistance and for critiquing the catalog; to Dr. 理查德·S. Ross, College Librarian, for his assistance and support; and to Rita K. Law, 学院传讯处创意服务经理, 设计产品目录和海报. 除了, the support of the Watkinson图书馆 / 信誉最好的网投十大平台 Library Associates is gratefully acknowledged for making publication of the catalog possible.