文/安德鲁·j. CONCATELLI  

照片由helder mira提供  

穿过信誉最好的网投十大平台(信誉最好的网投十大平台)的主广场(Main Quad),一个闪闪发光的新招牌在向你招手.  


The gr和 golden curtain rises on the 37-by-16-foot screen as the projected image blinks to life 和 the film begins to play. 

This is Cinestudio, the independent movie palace that celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. 以及无畏的创始人, 热心的学生志愿者, 热情的赞助人, 没有其他地方像它一样.  


进入克莱门特化学大楼走廊的一扇没有标记的门, 72届的James Hanley爬上狭窄的楼梯,来到Cinestudio的放映室, 就像他在过去50年里无数次做的那样. “This is the door we had to take off the hinges of to get into the booth for the first time,他说.  

In 1969, students in the Trinity Film Society—of which Hanley 和 his Cinestudio co-founder Peter McMorris ’73 were both enthusiastic members—had secured permission from the Chemistry Department to show films in the chemistry lab auditorium after finding themselves without a screening venue. “我认为他们不太明白我们的计划,”汉利说 带着笑容. 问题是,没有人有这个摊位的钥匙,它已经被废弃了.  

我们凌晨两点就去了那里. 汉利说:“我们找到了两台上世纪30年代的35毫米放映机,当时这座建筑刚刚建成。. “很快, students were hanging up bedsheets as a temporary screen as we prepared for a theater that would serve both students 和 the community. 当时, 校园里活动如火如荼, 这件事有了它自己的生命.” 

1970年2月16日的第一次公开放映是一部双重故事片 黄色潜水艇爱丽丝的餐厅, 电影协会的指导老师, 现代语言系的劳伦斯·"拉里"·斯提尔斯, 他自掏腰包拿出500美元以确保公民权. “连续一周,我们每晚的门票都卖光了. 我们甚至拒绝了很多人,”汉利说. “我们用非常好的声音播放了一幅大画面, 和 we always have; it just was the ethos of the place. 我们在正确的时间和地点出击.” 

McMorris补充道, “信誉最好的网投十大平台在那段时间经历了巨大的变化, 从一所大学转到另一所大学. 我们是变革的一部分,是新事物的一部分. 这个空间为我们提供了一个表达自己的场所. 即使在今天,如果有一部电影需要观看,我们也会放出来.” 

起初,这个由学生管理的组织遭到了校园里一些人的恐慌. “There were a few conservative faculty members who were uneasy about us,汉利说。. “我们展示了一些政治方面的东西. It wasn’t just entertainment; we were showing films that were enlightening people. 我们做了一些让人震惊的事情,比如把大厅漆成红色. 但是[前信誉最好的网投十大平台校长]泰德·洛克伍德[48届], H’81] was a great supporter of ours 和 [former Trinity Vice President] Tom Smith [’44, [88]为我们的言论自由而战.” 

在接下来的50年里, Cinestudio has embraced technological advancements while engaging in a historical mission, 回归老电影片名, 保存过去的重要遗产, 和 showing the films exactly as originally presented to ever-new audiences—all while staying true to its independent origins.  

Hanley 和 McMorris worked at other jobs at first 和 ran Cinestudio unpaid for many years. “每个人都是出于热爱才这么做的,汉利说。, “but at a certain point the students 和 alumni wanted to have a more permanent structure so they knew Cinestudio would continue for future students. The first stage [around the late ’80s] was to hire us 和 Larry Stires—we weren’t being paid much—和 we provided an ongoing presence 和 leadership.捐助者对直接向Cinestudio进行免税捐赠的兴趣, 而不是通过信誉最好的网投十大平台的基金, 2005年成立了一个非营利的501c3组织.  

今天, the venue features approximately 450 new seats that were installed in 2018 和 is equipped with a legendary Dolby sound system 和 state-of-the-art digital projector, 同时保留了35毫米和70毫米电影放映机,用于经典电影的放映.  

“很难描述这个地方,”麦克莫里斯说. “我每年都会学到一些新东西. 这是一个不断变化的行业, 让这个地方继续下去, 你必须预见到这些变化并做出调整.” 

汉利补充道, “当我们刚开始的时候, 我们的目标之一是在比大多数影院更好的环境中放映电影, 具有很高的技术质量. 多年来,我们不仅保持了这一点,而且还加强了这一点.” 


今天—in addition to being an art house cinema open to the public—Cinestudio is a part of both the academic 和 social worlds of the college, 与教师, 工作人员, 学生们都可以利用校园中心的特殊设施. “电影工作室一直是我们建立电影项目的基础,英语副教授Prakash Younger说, director of Trinity’s Interdisciplinary Program in Film Studies 和 a member of the Cinestudio Board of Directors. “我们把电影看作是观察一切事物的一个镜头. We include philosophy, political science, 和 classical studies courses in our curriculum,他说.  

米拉C里吉奥,詹姆斯J. 古德温英语教授, 荣誉退职的, who helped to create the film studies program at Trinity 和 now serves as secretary of Cinestudio’s board, 教过几门利用剧院的电影课程. “我教过“黑色电影”(Film Noir)和“西部电影”(The Western Film)等课程. 詹姆斯(汉利)和我在Cinestudio教授第一年的研讨会, 我们在哪里上课, 专注于电影工作室放映的电影,她说。.  

Younger补充道:“学生们在Cinestudio接受了教育. I was part of a very special first-year course that was taught there called ‘Thinking through Film,’ which helped to enhance the connection between Cinestudio 和 the academic offerings.” 

Connections are made at Cinestudio between Trinity 和 the Hartford community as well. “Cinestudio是一个独立的地方虽然得到了学院的大力支持它是了解校园之外更广泛文化的门户。. “It is truly a gem of the area in terms of the quality that generations of people both from Trinity 和 the community have enjoyed. 在那里看电影是绝无仅有的.” 

剧院每天定期举办放映和特别电影节, including the “Reel Youth Hartford Film Festival” for local high school 和 middle school students; the “Connecticut LGBTQ Film Festival,” founded at Cinestudio in 1988 和 presented by Out Film CT; 和 the “April in Paris [French] Film Festival,由…组织 信誉最好的网投十大平台语言与文化研究系. Cinestudio also screens live events from Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet 和 London’s Royal Opera House 和 National Theatre. 

三一电影节(TFF), 自2012年起每年春季在Cinestudio举办, is a platform for undergraduate student filmmakers from across the country to network 和 see their films on the big screen. 12岁的约翰·迈克尔·梅森, M’14, now Trinity’s head track 和 field coach 和 chair of Cinestudio’s Board of Directors, 作为一名本科生创办了TFF. “Cinestudio是我选择信誉最好的网投十大平台的原因之一,”他说. “Seeing a film in a theater with other people is a profoundly different 和 better experience than watching in your own home, 在电脑上, 或者在电话里. 它的公共方面, 黑暗中, 图像和声音的清晰度是Cinestudio最看重的东西, 不像我看过的任何剧院.” 

与汉利, McMorris, 还有两名兼职放映员作为唯一的带薪员工, Cinestudio主要由学生志愿者运营. 克莱尔·普里查德,20岁, 谁同时主修生物化学,戏剧和舞蹈, 担任Cinestudio的首席学生志愿者协调员. “Cinestudio is an amazing venue 和 opens people up to the fact that movie theaters are alive 和 well,普里查德说, 伊丽莎白·埃廷87班塔姆堡1823学者. “我学到了很多关于团队合作的知识, 通信, 宣传, 并且能够推销任何东西.” Student volunteers program the “Moonlight Movies” series one Friday night per month. 由学院的学生活动和参与办公室主办 & 领导的.A.I.L.),这些电影是资助的,所以他们是免费提供给学生三一身份证. 普里查德说:“我们试图让学生们尽可能地了解它。. 

汉利补充道:“这是 这是一个非常罕见的组合 大学校园要有 非营利组织 电影院对公众开放, 学生们实际管理它,也是它未来的一部分.”   


庆祝其成立50周年, Cinestudio will host special screenings on February 22 of the two films that started it all, 爱丽丝的餐厅黄色潜水艇. Alumni 和 past volunteers of Cinestudio also will be invited to a reception on May 2 that coincides with this year’s TFF. The gathering will serve as a recognition of all those who have helped the organization succeed in its first 50 years. 

“我从来没有后悔过,”汉利说. “It started with a student impetus 和 has remained student centered right down the line. 我非常乐观地认为,Cinestudio将继续作为校园不可分割的一部分.”  

As Hanley 和 McMorris begin to think about retiring from their roles as executive directors of Cinestudio in the coming years, 正在制定计划,以确保他们创建的组织将继续下去.  

“The 50th anniversary is in many ways a celebration of all that James 和 Peter have done over the last five decades,梅森说。. “We’re working hard as a board to put ourselves in the position to continue that legacy for another 50 years. Cinestudio could only exist 和 grow because of what Trinity is: a place where people with ingenuity are supported, 哪里有更大的校外社区, 和 where students are given the room 和 encouragement to take their dreams 和 turn them into reality.”